Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly
Space”, from September 2022 till September 2023 in Leuven, Belgium
SOS Children’s Villages Belgium
Terms of Reference
Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly Space”, from September 2022 till
September 2013 in Leuven, Belgium
1 Context of the evaluation .................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Description of the organisation ........................................................................................... 3
1.2 Context and description of the project ................................................................................. 3
2 Topics of the evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Object and objectives of the evaluation ............................................................................... 4
2.2 Recipients of the evaluation ............................................................................................... 4
2.3 Domains and stakeholders of the evaluation ........................................................................ 4
3 Content, methodology and profile ........................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Evaluation questions .......................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Methodological orientations ............................................................................................... 6
3.3 Profile of the evaluator ...................................................................................................... 6
4 Timing, Steering and expected deliverables of the evaluation ................................................................. 6
4.1 Timing and location of the evaluation ................................................................................. 6
4.2 Steering of the evaluation................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Expected deliverables ........................................................................................................ 7
5 Budget .............................................................................................................................................. 7
6 Content of the offer and deadline ......................................................................................................... 8
7 Contact .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly Space”, from September 2022 till
September 2013 in Leuven, Belgium
Title : External evaluator for a project “Child Friendly Space” in Belgium
Purpose: Intermediate evaluation
Reporting to: SOS Children’s Villages Belgium
Duty station: Crisis shelter for the Ukrainian refuges, Leuven, Belgium
Period: Between 27.08.23 and 27.09.23
Deadline for 16 July (see chapter 6 for the required elements of the offer)
1 Context of the evaluation
1.1 Description of the organization
SOS Children's Villages Belgium (SOS Belgium) is a non-governmental social development organization that has
been active in the field of children’s rights and committed to children’s needs and concerns since 1963.
SOS Children's Villages Belgium is a member of SOS Children’s Villages International, an international federation
in 137 countries.
The main target group of SOS Children's Villages are children who have lost parental care or that are at risk of
losing it. SOS focuses on the development of the child so that (s)he becomes an independent member who
participates in the society. The best way for a child to develop fully his/her potential is to grow up in a loving
family environment. Recognizing the child's role in their own development and the role of their family,
community, state and other service providers, we work with all relevant stakeholders to find the most appropriate
response adapted to the situation of the child. Based on the specific situation and the best interest of the child,
interventions are developed and the corresponding measures are implemented. Together with other stakeholders,
we build on existing resources, initiatives and capacities, and strengthen them where necessary. In this way, we
respond with relevant interventions using the available resources in the best possible way while having a greater
impact on the situation of the children in our target group.
SOS Children’s Villages Belgium has chosen to start emergency help for the temporary displaced Ukrainian
families with children in Belgium who had to move because of the Russian invasion in Ukraine in 2022. These
Terms of Reference are developed to launch a call for external evaluators on behalf of SOS Belgium for the
intermediate evaluation of the implementation of Child Friendly Space.
Context and description of the project
Because of the Russians invasion 8.2 million Ukrainians left the country to find a safe place in Europe. Almost 71
000 people were displaced in Belgium. 130 people were placed in the crisis shelter Scheutsite in Leuven, Kessel-
Lo. 25 from them were children with one or two family members (mother, father or grandparents) from 0 till 9
years old. Ukrainian children were torn away from their roots, left loved ones behind, and they have lost their
home, daily routines and found themselves in unfamiliar surroundings in a foreign country. All of them have
experienced traumatic events witnessing the war scenes. They needed a safe place to play, express their emotions,
work out the traumatic experience. Parents needed the professional psychological support and some “time off” to
take care of themselves in order to be able to provide qualitative care for the children.
Since September 2022 SOS Children’s Villages Belgium designed and installed Child Friendly Space “Knus” at
the shelter Scheut. This project is a part of the Emergency Program “Ukraine National Response”.
The project objectives are:
1. To identify and find ways to respond to particular needs of the children and their parents/caregivers.
2. To offer children opportunities to develop, learn, play, and build or strengthen coping skills.
This objectives were realized in practice by (a) exploring the cultural context, traditions and mentality of Ukrainian
families and approaches of raising children, (b) selecting and training the team of play facilitators, (c) intake
Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly Space”, from September 2022 till
September 2013 in Leuven, Belgium
interviews with the families to identify the needs of the children and parents, (d) organizing weekly play sessions
for the children at Child Friendly Space in small groups and with two stable play facilitators, (e) organizing support
group for the parents and extra consultations.
The expected results of the project are:
1. Children from 0 till 10 years old from Ukraine who fled their country and came to Belgian shelter Scheut
to find an appropriate support for their psychological needs: they feel safe in Child Friendly Space, they
feel free to play what they choose, they express emotions; they have a bond with the play facilitators;
they are observed on psychological “red flags” and get well-timed psychological or social help.
2. Parents of these children feel capable of taking care of their children: they know how to take care of
themselves, they feel confident most of the time as a parent.
At its maximum capacity, the project was implemented by a team of 6 play facilitators, supervisor, external
psychologist-grieving coach and coordinator-child psychologist of the project.
2 Topics of the evaluation
2.1 Object and objectives of the evaluation
The object of the evaluation is “Child Friendly Space” project as a part of emergency program “Ukraine National
This evaluation is organized after one year of running the project. The project is running until March 2024 and
might be prolonged. The objectives of this evaluation are:
1. To assess the quality of services provided by CFS and the outcomes of the project.
2. To evaluate the impact of the CFS on the well-being of children and parents who have participated in the
3. To assess the effectiveness of the partnership established for the Child Friendly Space project with the
aim of improving the quality of project.
4. To identify strengths and weaknesses of the CFS model, and to provide recommendations for improving
the program.
5. To assess the sustainability of the CFS and its potential for future expansion or replication in other
emergency situation and refugees’ shelters.
6. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Child Friendly Space model in meeting the needs of refugee children
in Belgium.
Recipients of the evaluation
The conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation will be returned to SOS Belgium. The results of the
evaluation can also be shared with the partners and donors of the project and other members of the International
Federation of SOS Children’s Villages.
2.2 Stakeholders of the evaluation
The internal stakeholders of this project is SOS Belgium: lead-applicant and contract holder of this project. For
more information on SOS Belgium, see chapter 1.1. For the implementation of the project, SOS Belgium
collaborated with the following external stakeholders: City of Leuven, CGG Leuven, Red cross Belgium, Odisee
Co-University College.
Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly Space”, from September 2022 till
September 2013 in Leuven, Belgium
3 Content, methodology and profile
3.1 Evaluation questions
Does Child-Friendly Space (CFS) identify the specific needs of Ukrainian children and their parents?
Does the chosen model of CFS fit the needs of these children? (small groups, stable play facilitators, free play
How well does the CFS align with the cultural and social context of Ukrainian families?
Do children know who can help them in CFS if they are scared or hurt?
Does it matter for children who plays with them in the CFS?
How effective is the observation and follow-up process for identifying mental health "red flags"?
What are the main challenges in the work of CFS for the staff?
Do the staff members feel supported by SOS in their role?
How do children react to the change in play facilitators?
What are the main outcomes and impacts of the CFS on the mental well-being of Ukrainian children as perceived
by the children themselves and their parents?
What are the main outcomes and impacts of the CFS on the mental well-being of Ukrainian parents as perceived
by them?
What do children think about the toys at CFS?
Do children consider play facilitators as significant adults?
To what extent does the CFS provide a safe and secure place for Ukrainian children, ensuring clean and safe room
and toys, variety of toys, sensitive play facilitators, access to free play?
Do the children express a desire to come into the room, and what are their expectations when they enter?
Do children feel that they can be themselves in CFS and show all emotions?
What changes, if any, have been observed in the behavior and social interactions of children who regularly
participate in the CFS?
Do children feel that they can choose themselves what to play with, with whom and how?
How well do children understand non-Ukrainian/Russian speaking play facilitators and how do they express
To what extent do children feel empowered by the Child-Friendly Space?
Is the current Child-Friendly Space (CFS) model sustainable, or are any changes needed to ensure its long-term
Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly Space”, from September 2022 till
September 2013 in Leuven, Belgium
Can the existing CFS model be effectively replicated for children in other shelters or emergency situations?
Cross-cutting issues:
Do children know who can help them in CFS if they are scared or hurt?
How do children react to the change in play facilitators?
Do children consider play facilitators as significant adults?
3.2 Methodological orientations
The evaluator will propose the methodological framework of this evaluation and will precise a detailed action plan
to conduct the evaluation.
However, the following methodological orientations have to be taken into account:
- The evaluation process has to be participatory and must include the voices of the target group, final
beneficiaries and internal/external stakeholders of the project. A representative sample must participate
in the evaluation, including: children of the CFS, children who moved out of the shelter and attend CFS-
2. parents of the children that attend CFS, staff of CFS, coordinator of the shelter of City of Leuven, CGG
Leuven representative.
- The methodology has to be particularly adapted to integrate the vision of the target group, being (young)
children with traumatic experience and their parents.
The evaluator will get access to the following sources of information on the project: Handbook of CFS, Reports
from the play sessions, financial reports, the databases of the project.
The evaluator is asked to organize a summary feedback meeting on the field for the project team and an extensive
feedback meeting with the team Quality and Advocacy of SOS Belgium).
3.3 Profile of the evaluator
Required competences and experiences of the (team of) evaluator(s):
- Possess a strong and demonstrated experience in evaluating projects within the target group of SOS (e.g.,
children, families, temporary shelters).
- Demonstrate a good understanding of children's mental health needs and be familiar with concepts such
as child-friendly spaces, temporary shelters for children, and family strengthening programs.
- Have expertise in conducting participatory processes for gathering information and conducting analytical
triangulation using various sources of information.
- Exhibit strong facilitation, animation, and communication skills, particularly when interacting with
children and families, in order to collect relevant information in an appropriate and engaging manner.
- Possess proficiency in Ukrainian/Russian to effectively communicate with the families. Alternatively,
the evaluator should arrange for a translator proficient in Ukrainian/Russian.
- Display excellent skills in report writing and effectively communicating the evaluation findings and
recommendations to project stakeholders. This includes translating complex concepts or ideas into
concrete, realistic, and feasible recommendations.
- Be available within the specified timeframe for conducting the evaluation.
Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly Space”, from September 2022 till
September 2013 in Leuven, Belgium
4 Timing, Steering and expected deliverables of the evaluation
4.1 Timing and location of the evaluation
- 3 July 2023: publication of the terms of reference of the evaluation and call for candidates for the
- 15 July 2023 (9:00 AM Brussels time) : deadline for the submission of applications
- 23 July 2023: selection of the evaluator by SOS Belgium management after analysis of the offers of the
evaluation candidatures
- Between 25 and 28 July 2023: signature of the contract with the evaluator and kick-off meeting with
evaluator (preferably in Brussels)
- Between 30 July and 27 September 2023: desk research, field research, production of preliminary
evaluation report and organization of feedback meeting
- 27 September 2023: deadline for the submission of the final evaluation report
The kick-off meeting will preferably be held in Brussels (in exceptional cases this can be done in a virtual way).
The field research will mainly be done in Leuven, shelter Scheut where the project is located.
Steering of the evaluation
Team Quality and Advocacy will be responsible for the coordination of the evaluation. The main roles of the team
are to organize the briefing of the evaluator during the kick-off meeting, to facilitate the mission during its
unfolding, to participate in the debriefing of the evaluator and to evaluate the quality of the report.
4.2 Expected deliverables
The evaluator is expected to deliver:
- A preliminary evaluation report (PowerPoint)
- A final evaluation report (Word): maximum of 25 pages. It must contain at least the following
information: (i) Introduction (object, objectives and context of the evaluation; used methodology, limits
of the evaluation); (ii) Analysis (analysis of the evaluation criteria and of the evaluation questions); (iii)
Conclusions (main observations, recommendations and lessons learned)
- An executive summary of the results and the recommendations of the evaluation: maximum of 3 pages,
description of the main observations, successes, challenges and recommendations.
- Annexes justifying the information of the final evaluation report: ToR of the evaluation and CV of the
evaluator (max. 2 pages); program of the field research; methodology of the evaluation; list of consulted
documents and literature; list of people met and consulted; reports of the consultation sessions with the
target group and final beneficiaries of the project; all other information which is used to formulate the
conclusions and that leads to a better understanding of the results of the evaluation.
All documents have to be delivered in English.
5 Budget
The indicative budget for the whole evaluation process is 7.000 EUR.
6 Content of the offer and deadline
The offer must be sent SOS Children’s Villages Belgium before 23 July 2023 (COB) to: irma@sos-
Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly Space”, from September 2022 till
September 2013 in Leuven, Belgium
The offer must include:
- A proposal of the methodology, including the evaluation questions, the timing of the activities and the
proposed facilitation techniques (maximum 10 pages)
- A financial proposal
- The CVs of the evaluator(s) (maximum 2 pages per evaluator)
- Overview of relevant evaluations of other sort-like projects
7 Contact
For extra questions you may contact: Irma De Baets, or +32 (0)4 7102 58 93
Intermediate evaluation of the project “Ukraine National Response: Child Friendly Space”, from September 2022 till
September 2013 in Leuven, Belgium